Shattered Memories, a Short Peek
There was a point in time when he and i were very close. So close that we could breathe and know the others thoughts, we had to just look into each other’s eyes and we would know. It was the most wonderful time of peace and joy and I thought it would never end.
But it did, as these things always do, in loss. He went away to war, and I lost everything. My love, my happiness, everything. He left as my lover and best friend, he came back broken, lost, and unhappy with everything. What was I to do now? How do I move on and live without him? Only time will tell.
While he was gone, I did my best to cope. I went out, I celebrated birthdays, Easter, Christmas. I spent time with friends, but nothing I did fixed the longing I had for the simple times, the times we spent laughing and talking and planning our future. Nothing helped. Nothing soothed my heart, and I counted down the hours I waited, anxiously, hopefully.
At the airport, armed with a heart happy and tense, excited and frightened, and filled with nervous energy, I waited. And waited. When I saw him I ran to him crying and laughing and jumped into his arms. No reaction, no smile, no "I love you so much I"m so happy to see you". It was like he was someone else. My heart started to break when he said, I'm sorry, I think you mistook me for someone else, please get off me so I can go home." I just dropped down, looked at him with tears in my eyes, and begged him to recognize me. There was nothing, no sign that I meant anything but an annoying girl who jumped on him. It was heartbreaking and I just left in tears with my whole day ruined.
That and many other days were completely destroyed. I cried so many tears. I sobbed and screamed and begged whoever and whatever was out there to just kill me because there was no point in staying alive. Quite a few months went by this way and I stopped caring about anything. It was a really dark and rough time in my life.